Welcome to my art studio
🔸有外包經驗、spine2D、live 2D拆件經驗、參與獨立製作遊戲之經驗等等。
🔸有製作live 2D一條龍(V皮/拆件/建模)經驗,個人Youtube上有Showcase參考。
事前討論/詢價請來信e-mail: stardreann@gmail.com
Hello! I am a digital artist and LIVE 2D Rigger from Taiwan , specializing in intricate illustrations, character portraits, and character design in the Japanese style. With extensive experience in freelance projects, I invite you to browse through my portfolio website and explore my personal YouTube channel, where you can find a LIVE2D Showcase.
■ Contact for Commission ■
For preliminary discussions or inquiries,
please email: stardreann@gmail.com
Feel free to reach out if you simply want to understand the details or get a quote.
Welcome to discuss (つ´ω`)つ
❗ If there is no response for more than 3 days, it may be due to platform or other issues preventing the receipt of messages. Please consider switching platforms or contacting me again via email. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.
For commission details and project examples, please visit the Commission and Portfolio sections.